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Mental health is beautifully complex.

It is varied, contextual, and feels different for everyone.


Your growth is unique to you. But across the spectrum, the vital element in a truly felt sense of wellness is an embodied, compassionate curiosity for our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Navigating the subtle and overt oppressive forces in daily life causes some of our most profound suffering. Avoiding, dissociating, or numbing are common ways we cope and try to stay safe.

But avoiding emotions or being gripped by them leads to brittle fragility and rigid reactivity. So, let’s try something different. Let’s build emotional safety, resilience, and flexibility by co-creating opportunities to experiment with your thinking, feeling, and, more importantly, your being.

Let’s foster lasting growth grounded in a deeper understanding of who you are and how you want to be in your world.

  • From a strengths-based foundation, we will make room to explore what’s getting in the way. We will seek to heal traumatic experiences stemming from developmental, institutional, social, sexual, and physical trauma. Our exploration will go beyond the individual to understand how the complex intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and class shape your lived experiences, recognizing the distinct impacts of privilege and oppression.

  • The safety we co-create fosters radical affirmation of the uniqueness of your embodied experiences. Fresh and meaningful encounters support emotional flexibility and joyful engagement with self and others. We will notice and experiment with somatic awareness, relational dynamics showing up in session, and your responses to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. We will create ways to understand knee-jerk safety shapes more deeply.

  • There are many ways to measure “progress” in therapy. The most reliable way I have witnessed is when we feel better and can be compassionately accountable for the ways we impact. We can celebrate when we can enjoy our lives along with the people and experiences we have in them. And when we can celebrate that each person occupies a distinct and unparalleled position in life's unfolding, we flourish.


We might be a good fit if you are ready to:

  • Shift shame and blame to care and compassion.

  • Feel more at home in your skin while finding meaning in a balanced, attuned connection to self and others.

  • Explore and heal intergenerational impacts on your sense of self and belonging.

  • Grow your capacity for connective conflict.

  • Rest in generative being.


People drawn to my practice tend to be reflective, interested in their mind/body connection, ready to support their emotional well-being, and open to trying new ways to support their journey of personal growth.

Want to learn more about how I work or my background?

Ready to reach out to schedule a free consultation? I look forward to connecting.